Blog Post Element In Funnels & Websites

Blog Post Element In Funnels & Websites

September 19, 20241 min read
Blog Post Element In Funnels & Websites

Blog Post Element In Funnels & Websites

If you have a wildly popular blog post that get tons of attention, likes, shares and engagement; now you can add that blog post directly into a funnel or website page anywhere

Blog Post Element In Funnels & Websites: This feature allows you to easily add and organize blog posts within any funnel step or website page, enhancing content integration and user engagement.

⭐️ Why Does It Matter To Your Business?

  • Enhanced Content Integration: Your business can now seamlessly add blog posts to any funnel or website page, keeping your audience informed and engaged.

  • Improved Organization: When you create blog posts, you can sort and filter them by category and author, making it easy to manage and present relevant content.

  • Streamlined Process: Adding blog posts to your site is now a simple drag-and-drop action, saving you time and effort.

⭐️ How To Use Blog Post Element In Funnels & Websites:

  1. Access the Sites tab from the left navigation menu. Click on Funnels/Websites from the upper navigation menu and then create new or edit existing ones.

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  1. Click on Edit Button.

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  1. Click on “+” Icon from the top right corner and add the Sections and Rows according to your Requirements.

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  1. Click on the Elements and add the “Blog Posts” element from the element List.

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  1. Click on Blog Element and then click on the General tab and choose Blog site. Filter by the blog post - Recent Post, Recent Post by Category and Recent Post by Author.

NOTE: Filtering will apply on updated date (date when blog post is published)

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  1. Then Select the Categories and click on Save.

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The Blog Post Element feature in the CRM simplifies the process of integrating blog content into your site, enhancing user engagement and making content management more efficient.

Angela Bryant

Angela is a creative force with a knack for thinking outside the box. She brings a unique blend of tech-savvy skills and a quirky sense of humor to every project. While her perfectionist nature might mean she takes a bit longer to finish tasks, it also guarantees that nothing is ever complete without meeting her high standards.

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