Community Events
Communities are hotspots for interaction and connection. They help you take a regular customer and transform them into a brand advocate. With the new Community Events option you can easily create, manage, and join exciting gatherings within your groups. Leading to more points of connection and further interest in your community.
⭐️Why Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Business?
Integrate Members: This helps you strengthen the sense of belonging, promote relationships, and include members in activities that grow your Group’s appeal.
Self Promotion: With Community Event you can market any upcoming experiences, such as seminaries. Helping you lower marketing costs and access your interested audience.
Encourage Participation: Events boost interest and engagement in your community helping you gain customer feedback, attract new members and rekindle interest in older members.
⭐️How To Use Private Messaging in Communities:
Access your Community Group page and click on Events. Click + Event button to start the creation process.
Set the Event details including the title, time, time zone, location, and description.
Select whether the event will be Free or Paid, if paid add the total, then click Create Event.
This will add the event to the calendar for your Group Members to accept and add to their calendar.
Re-engage older members, attract new members, and build interest in your Communities and brand overall by using Community Events. Keep that calendar booked and enjoy full seating in your upcoming events!