History for GPT Actions

History for GPT Actions

September 12, 20241 min read
History for GPT Actions

Get the best output from your GPT actions based on past interactions, retaining and utilizing history allows you to create the most personalized responses possible.

⭐️Why Is This Feature Beneficial To Your Business?

  • Improved Responses: By leveraging previous interactions, you achieve output that better represents your brand's voice in a lower amount of tries.

  • Automatic Data Collection: No need to feed additional information to the models, approved previous interactions will serve as the point of reference for the output.

  • Effective Cost Management: With a lower number of suggestions needed comes a lower cost for running your GPT Actions, ensuring you a greater ROI.

⭐️How To Use History for GPT Actions:

  1. Inside the Automation section go to the Workflow tab and create a new workflow or edit an existing one.

  2. Click the plus sign icon and add the GPT Powered by OpenAI action.

  3. Turn on “Enable History” and select the “History For” type you desire.

  4. Open the Advance Options and set the System Instructions


Enabling History for GPT Actions will get you the best output possible, by keeping track of previous interactions your AI helper will teach itself your voice and preferences so that in the future every interaction gets a response perfectly tailored to you.

Angela Bryant

Angela is a creative force with a knack for thinking outside the box. She brings a unique blend of tech-savvy skills and a quirky sense of humor to every project. While her perfectionist nature might mean she takes a bit longer to finish tasks, it also guarantees that nothing is ever complete without meeting her high standards.

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