Recurring Appointments
Recurring Appointments are an essential part of scheduling. They allow you to handle and record appointments that repeat more than once with the same contact. To make it more convenient to use we’ve implemented a few enhancements we hope you’ll enjoy, so, let’s break them down!
⭐️What Changes Can You Expect?
Custom Appointments: Now you can schedule recurring appointments using the custom date and time options, even in calendars without recurring appointment configuration.
Bulk Changes: Easily edit or delete all occurrences of a recurring appointment with a singular action instead of needing to handle every scheduled time individually.
Flexible Recurrence: Appointments can be set to repeat indefinitely, end after a specific date or number of occurrences, and follow custom recurrence patterns, such as specific dates or days.
⭐️Custom Recurring Appointments: What Are They & How to Use Them?
They are flexible recurring appointments that allow you to schedule repeating meetings in calendars that don't have this type of appointment configured. Including special dates, times, and repeating intervals.
Navigate to the Calendars tab and click on New to add an appointment.
Select the calendar, team member, and contact then set the Date & Time as custom.
Check the Recurring appointment box, and define your recurrence pattern. If selecting custom set an ending date for the recurrence.
Click on Save and Book Appointment.
Enjoy the new flexibility Recurring appointments present you, even exceptions can be booked in regular calendars as recurring appointments, scheduling them will be adapted to your needs and time spent editing or deleting such appointments will be reduced.