Weekly Subscription Payments for Courses
If your business offers online courses, you can now attract more users by providing an affordable weekly subscription option, making it easier for them to commit to your course without a large upfront cost.
Weekly Payments Subscription For Courses: This feature gives you the ability to offer weekly payment plans for your online courses, enhancing flexibility and accessibility for your audience.
⭐️ Why Does It Matter To Your Business?
Increased Flexibility: Offer your customers more payment options by adding weekly subscriptions.
Improved Cash Flow: Generate more consistent revenue streams with weekly payments.
Enhanced User Engagement: Keep members engaged with more frequent billing cycles that encourage regular participation.
⭐️ How To Use Weekly Payments Subscription For Courses:
Access the “Memberships” tab from the left navigation menu. Click on Communities > Groups from the upper navigation menu and create a new group or Login to the existing one.
Click on Learning from the upper navigation menu and add a new course of edit existing one by clicking on three dots > Edit.
You can now select the billing period “Weekly”.
This feature increases flexibility and accessibility, enhancing user engagement and generating consistent revenue streams.